A Growing Blogger

After notwoxer gained some measure of credibility with the Ribena Reports, the calls for me to launch a serious blog returned. I suppose this is part of my growing up as a blogger. There is so much youth and kid in me that notwoxer became a lot like many large Malaysian corporations: directionless. TMG will be an issue-driven blog; issues that touch you and Malaysians and the world. notwoxer will be a personal blog, which may be de-listed subject to further deliberation. Thank you for visiting, and please comment. Good luck Malaysia.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Welcome to The Malaysia Gazette

After notwoxer gained some measure of fame from my Ribena Vitamin C post, calls for me to make a separate, more serious blog returned. I see the logic; notwoxer deals with a mixture of issues: family, personal, funny etc.

Hence The Malaysia Gazette is born. As I stated on this page, TMG wants to develop a thinking Malaysia. We are already thinking more these days, but more is better in this case.

So TMG is both The Malaysia Gazette and Thinking Malaysia Group.

Welcome aboard.

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