Wire reports are in chorus that World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz, shamed by the hefty pay rise package for his lover at the organisation, is negotiating his resignation.
That's a first for me: negotiating a resignation?
Well apparently it includes the World Bank acknowledging that Wolfowitz does not bear sole responsibility for the blatant disregard for ethical practices. Sweet.
CNN Money's report here; AP's via Yahoo! here.
The former American ambassador to Indonesia's trip to Eastern Europe has been put o hold as well.
I like how this is likely to end. A person caught with his hand in the jar resigns. Not as quick as what would have happened in Japan or Korea, but Wolfowitz is resigning.
Next question: will we ever see this happening here in Malaysia? Some people say why should it happen here? After all none of our leaders have ever been caught in uncompromising positions have they?
Even if you get caught, overseas, and then tell the court that your English is bad, get found guilty, you can still be in power.

Back to Wolfy, some quarters are saying his resignation is past due; "Throughout his career, everything he has touched has turned into a world-class calamity", says scribe John Seery of the Huffington Post.

He goes on to call him one of Bush's Bumblers. Read it here.
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