A Growing Blogger

After notwoxer gained some measure of credibility with the Ribena Reports, the calls for me to launch a serious blog returned. I suppose this is part of my growing up as a blogger. There is so much youth and kid in me that notwoxer became a lot like many large Malaysian corporations: directionless. TMG will be an issue-driven blog; issues that touch you and Malaysians and the world. notwoxer will be a personal blog, which may be de-listed subject to further deliberation. Thank you for visiting, and please comment. Good luck Malaysia.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Wolfowitz Walks

World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz and World Bank Board members came to an agreement earlier today to allow the embattled president to leave in June, in a negotiated deal that is likely to leave a sour taste in the mouth of some people.

World Bank accepts that his action in securing a hefty pay rise and promotion for his girlfriend Shaha Riza Ali were "in good faith", and that everyone involved in the same deal also acted similarly.

Ok lah... at least you won't have a man incapable of being impartial leading the bank anymore. Still, I disagree with these "negotiated" deals, much like I despise Malaysia's negotiated tenders.

Who takes over? Well, how about Anwar Ibrahim?

For a biography of Wolfowitz, click here.

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